Avodiant attachment HELP
Is anyone else's PA also an avodiant and always has been?
This is definitely making my recovery harder! Even though he took all the right steps for recovery as a PA, he's still an avodiant, and it's hard work!
Like yesterday I accused his of deleting his YT history as it didn't for a second match up with screen time and I asked him before I even thought about it, he answered honestly this was before he went to work, but then spend all afternoon evening when he got back isolating himself in a different room, but also when he went shops brought me flowers and ice cream left them on the sofa when I was in shower and then disappeared into the garage for a little while then avoided in the other room again untill bed 🤯 like i don't get it why do something nice just to avoid me emotionally
I'll add before the shops we did speak a little and I took accountability that I could have asked about his yt instead of accusing off the bat, but that was the only convo we had for 7 hours 🫠