Acting out porn in the bedroom

I apologize in advance if anyone finds this post triggering, but I need advice or maybe just to write it out somewhere. PA has been in recovery since July after 3 years of putting me in almost a dead bedroom. Our relationship and our sex life have gotten markedly better since November. He is in therapy and so am I. We see a couples therapist when we run into issues.

BUT something happened on Saturday night that I cannot get out of my head. There have been times during intimacy over the course of our relationship where he has been aggressive. He has pulled my hair, choked me, smacked my bottom, ect. We’ve talked about it outside the bedroom and while I am all for being in the heat of the moment, I don’t like being degraded in the bedroom AND how it excites him. This is an issue we’ve brought up in therapy and I will say that the way in which we’ve been engaging in sex has improved. HOWEVER on Saturday we were doing the deed. We were doing doggy style and I was facedown with my head turned to the side. He then switched to an almost crouching position and put his foot on my head and face. This is something I have only seen in porn and it is 💯 meant to humiliate the woman and dominate her. I immediately got up and ended sex. He was apologetic and didn’t really have an answer as to why.

it is haunting me two days later. I tried to remain calm and explain to him that he will never do that to me again and he apologized again and told me he didn’t mean to humiliate me. I don’t even know how to process this 💩. That act is 💯 pulled from porn and I am enraged all over again because how can men possibly believe that this behavior is normal and ok.

I will be talking to my therapist about this. But have others run into more sexual violence while their partner is in recovery? I have a lot of concerns right now and my fear is that he may escalate to worse with me now that his outlet for this behavior is gone.