I need help - I’m getting married

I’m supposed to marry my fiancé in less than three months. We’ve been together for five years, and throughout our entire relationship, he’s struggled with porn addiction. He’s seen therapists, we’ve installed porn blockers on his devices, and he’s had periods of sobriety and honesty. But something has always felt off.

For the last few months, my intuition has been screaming at me that something wasn’t right. I confronted him multiple times, but he insisted everything was fine, telling me I was overreacting. He reassured me there was no dishonesty this time. I wanted to believe him.

A few weeks ago, I started suspecting things. His physical affection and attention had wained. November 23 I found out he had found a way to turn off the porn blocker to view Instagram accounts. Then I discovered he had a secret email address and an account on Reddit. It took 14 months for me to recover from that betrayal, finding a secret email account was something so triggering as that was what had happened at the very start of our relationship when I first found out he was addicted to porn.

The last 12 months he has had about 4-5 relapses, all (I think) of which he has come forward and told me about. To which I have received him with love and no judgement. He has been seeing a psychologist for 3 years now that supposedly specialises in this issue.

The last few weeks I have been asking if anything is going on for him, he’s told me I am reading too much into things and that of course he would never lie to me again. For three days, we’ve been having these conversations, and I kept asking him to tell me the full truth. He vehemently denied everything and told me my intuition was wrong.

Finally, tonight, I pretended I already knew he’d been on OnlyFans again—and that’s when he admitted it. I went through his bank records. No sign of a subscription. He says he’s just been going on Instagram accounts and then searching for leaked onlyfans videos (I guess for a particular creator.) makes me feel so self conscious and disgusting that my fiancé is obsessing over an actual other woman.

I feel devastated. We haven’t had sex in months, and when we do, it’s awkward and one-sided. There’s absolutely no focus on my pleasure—honestly, there never has been. He always promises to improve, to be better, but nothing changes. And now I’m supposed to commit to spending the rest of my life with him?

What’s even worse is how rejected and ugly I feel. The women he watches have completely different body types than mine—exaggerated, edited, impossible standards. I know I’m attractive in the grand scheme of things, but I feel invisible and unwanted by the one person who’s supposed to desire me the most. It’s crushing to think he needs this fantasy world so much that he lies to my face about it, even when he knows how much it devastates me.

We live together. We have a dog together. Everyone who knows him thinks he’s the nicest guy ever, and I feel so isolated because no one sees this side of him. I’m so embarrassed to even talk about it with people I trust. I don’t know what to do. I feel trapped, helpless, and ashamed.

Has anyone else been through this? How do you make a decision when your love for someone is overshadowed by their repeated lies and behaviour? I don’t want my entire life to be shattered but I can’t trust him?