CO Summoner is really bad at tier 4

Everyone knows CO is doing very low damage, but having the ability to run double class engraving is what makes her really useful. For anyone who doesn't know, CO with double class engraving can do way more destruction and stagger damage than a Gunlancer. So having her in a raid is not really that bad, especially in a raid that requires a huge amount of stagger.

Since T4 only allows you to get one class engraving, it makes her never be as useless as she is now. Any support with a DPS build can be twice as useful as she is. I remember not failing a single time on G4 Thaemine stagger.

My CO is currently 1675 ilvl, with full T4 level 7 gems and full ancient pieces. I only managed to do 40m DPS in Trixion. This is an unacceptable number for a piano class where you have to press a gazillion buttons per nanosecond. Why does CO use 8 DMG gems but do so much less damage than MS, who only uses 1 DMG gem? Why?

Why is it hard to improve her? Why does no one talk about it now? Ah yes, because no human left playing her class.

As someone who has played CO since her release until now, I’m a support main, but she’s my strongest DPS in my roster. I have been feeling the rejection, the shame, and I come with this idea to improve her, to actually make her a pet user:

- All her pets should be permanent. It’s really dumb to have to spawn the pet every 15 seconds to respawn them, and on top of that, it takes at least 3 seconds for the animation and delay before they can start to react and do damage.

- Remove the stupid pet skill from the pet's skill button. Instead, make her CO engraving change the identity bar into a list of pet actions that cost orbs to cast. The actions could be giving the master a shield, casting huge pet damage, casting huge stagger/destruction damage, teleporting the master to the pet’s position, etc. You name more, any idea for pet skills would be good. And hold on, a taunt action!

- I mentioned taunt, yes! That means we bring back pet HP and stop making them invincible again. But how do you prevent pets from getting one-shot? Simple: when the pet is alive, the skill used to summon the pet will be replaced by a defensive skill. Holding the skill will make the pet go into defense mode, negating all incoming damage. It also makes the pet unable to perform any actions while in defensive animation to prevent abuse. By doing this, you actually care about the pet instead of just spamming the key mindlessly, as it should be.

- Buff necromancy and summoning items with CO. How cool would it be to make necromancy, which no one ever uses, usable? CO should make necromancy mobs able to do some damage.

- Pets should be able to free the master from some debuffs like frozen, which require other people to hit you.

- And... make pets actually do damage? Why ancient spears and earth still do most of the damage? It should be a tool to generate meter for CO, not a main DPS skills.

Thank you for reading this rant post. I wish I can see my CO on MVP board again, other than guardian raid's MVP board.