Why do I hold the belief that losing weight will fix all my problems?
It's naive and silly, I know. I don't know if it's society or doctors or wanting an "easy" fix.
I've seen the phrase "wherever you go, there you are". It's been popping up in my head more often.
I need a therapist for my anxiety. But somehow I imagine I'll be so happy all the time if I lost weight. I imagine people who are a healthy weight are always happy and don't have "real" problems. At least they aren't fat, right? That's wrong, but sometimes it feels like all my problems would disappear. I don't need therapy, I need to be thin.
And for health, it feels like I'd be healthy and happy if I was thin. All my lifelong problems that came around before I was fat would magically disappear. No thyroid problem, no epilepsy, no period problems, no allergies, nothing. All my doctors would be so nice and cool and listen to everything I say. Of course, in reality, none of them would suggest my lifelong epilepsy would be cured by losing weight. Everyone who is thin is healthy. That's not true, but at least they aren't fat.
All my social problems and employment worries and everything would disappear. Life would be perfect. I'd be rich and happy with a hot spouse because all my problems are due to weight. I'll be good at anything I try if I lose weight. The Magic Rainbow Fairyland is possible if I lose weight.
Somehow it demotivates me. Why lose weight when it will not fix XYZ?
I wish this was true, but I know it's not. I don't know where it came from and how to fix it.