Missing out teen love

Yes, I know. Teen love is not perfect, is probably the shittiest and less developed of all type of romantic interactions. Yes, I know, it should not be idealised because it often leads to feeling bad. Yes, I know, I shouldn't think much about it. But I still feel bad for missing out. I've never experienced love. I've never been romantically interested, or the romantic interest, in and of someone and I never will. When I read about love or hear people talking about love I just... I don't even know, freeze up. I missed out on love when it's probably easier to get in a relationship - more free time, less expectations and so on - how can I even think of getting laid after that? I'm 18 but I feel like my life has already ended. Even if I enjoy it I already have to work full time so I don't have much - or even any - time to, idk, meet other people? Even if I don't even know how should I. I don't have any hope. Everything has already ended. Heck, it probably didn't even start at all