Do you guys absolutely think it’s perfectly normal for lesbians to move on and it’s “tee hee, just a girl thing” or do you guys think it’s a major red flag? Cause Sam pacing is quick.

I think about this all the time as someone who was sort of in a similar scenario with a girl, similar to Sed (sadist, manipulative) etc. No idea if they were a narcissist or not.

Much like my ex, and her ex, she moved on rapidly, there was at least 3-4 girls, maybe 5 in the span of one year. Love bombed me for months, declaring they wanted me all these spat lies, then discarded me.

And just like Liv, my idek if I can call them an ex... Is similar moved on rapidly, reposting all on tiktok about how their new girl is perfect, wifey, great, Instagram was an immediate hard launch about being happy and friends saying my ex or whatever is really happy they can see it on them from their post.

Sometimes I'm just like (and seeing her on my fyp, Liv) like how do you go from something so traumatic and immediately like dating, unbothered and happily moved on, and she even did this with Sedona too, glamourising that relationship only for it to turn out sour.

Then this girl cheated on her ex and winds up with Liv (Sam) so ... like how do you know it isn't gonna rinse and repeat? What makes her think she's the exception.

Do you guys think it's red flags or is it rly that normal for lesbians to move on no fucks given and quickly and that in love?