[Online][5e][Saturday 2PM GMT+2] Reylomyar the forgotten
Hello everyone! I am a first time poster, so I apologize in advance if some info is missing. If so, don't hesitate asking for clarifications down below :)
-- Technical info --
System: Dungeons and Dragons 5e (2014)
Where: Online - We will use my discord server to Voice Chat, and my FoundryVTT server to play
When: Every Saturday at 2PM (14:00) GMT+2. - Every session will last between 3 to 4 hours, depending on how much time I can allocate to the session that week.
Requirements: A microphone, a decent computer to join FoundryVTT.
Be 18 or older: While the game won't feature NSFW content, I tend to run more grittier and dark games, which I am more comfortable running for people who are 18 or older.
-- About the GM (Me! :P) --
Who am I?: Hi! I am General, I started playing DnD in 2020 with a group of friends, and have been mostly GMing ever since. I am trying to work on my own setting, while running different kinds of campaigns to explore new stories, concepts and settings.
How do I run games?: Since DnD 5e is a combat-heavy game, I tend to include atleast 1 combat encounter per session, but expect more, much more! However, for the bards and social players out there, there will be also social encounters included in the game, moreso if you have a socially-inclined chatacter.
The campaign you will be joining will be Story-Driven, with your characters able to decide how it plays out in the end. By Story Driven, I mean that you will be expected to follow the story laid out before you, but how you go about doing it, is up to you. Meaning that this is not a Sandbox.
-- Game info --
About the setting: This is my own homebrew setting. It is medieval setting, where magic is present and known to all. But the ones who are able to practice it are uncommon amongst the populance. Magic, is found most commonly where there is a large gathering of people such as cities or metropolies. Or, out in the wilderness, for who wants to risk life and limb to find it. Various kingdoms are found trough the land, with also city-states littering the lands. Amongst them, a human-led kingdom seems to be rising fastest of all. However, many dangers threat to end it's reign, and great heroes rise out of duty or pay to save it.
Campaign's Story (Info): The Varemont Kingdom, is the fastest rising and most ambitious of all of the kingdoms. However, recently a cataclismic danger threatens it. It's most fertile region of Fructus is being assaulted by dark forces in the Shadowfell, which are sucking away it's prosperous energies, and exchanging them with their corrupted and vile ones. The kingdom's diviners and intelligence gatherers suspect the cause to be a mad wizard that rose to power in the shadowfell, and seeks to harvest the vitality of the region for some nefarious purpose. He must be stopped. For if he isn't, there will be mass-starvation in the Varemont Kingdom, and smaller city-states that depend on it's food for survival.
Beginner Friendly?: This game is not exactly beginner-friendly. As the characters are of a pretty high-level, so I expect you to know how your character functions.
Homebrew?: There will be very-little to none homebrew present. All of which, will be made by me on a need-to basis.
Campaign dangers: Since this will be a combat-heavy campaign, expect your character's death to be a real possibility. The greater the risk, the greater the reward afterall! If your character will die, you will make a new one. If the party suffers a TPK, the campaign will be considered over.
Character Creation Info:
- You will be playing a character of your making, who will be sent by the Varemont Kingdom to bring an end to the Wizard.
- You will start from lvl 13 and are able to use any official content from the 2014 version, with the exception of the following races: Astral Plane races (Such as Astral Elf and Hadozee), and Mechanical races (Such as Warforged and Autognomes).
- Multiclassing won't be an option. This campaign I would preffer exploring characters who put all 20 levels into a single class.
-- What I am looking for and Generalites --
I am looking for a 4th player who will fill the last slot of our 3 group. The adventure had just started, but the last player had to dip due to irl stuff. Ideally this player will need to be able to make it to sessions on-time and regularly be able to attend sessions. Also, this player will need to be able to work in a group-dynamic that seeks to use the full abilities and cooperation with the other members of the group to overcome the challenges ahead.
We tend to play on a fixed schedule of once a week, at the same day and time. However, we know that IRL comes first, so there aren't many problems in skipping a session or two, these things happen. Just be sure to give out a proper warning beforehand!
Ideally, I will find this player before the session starts this week.
Having said all of that, and if this all sounds great to you, be sure to leave a message below and to DM me on reddit with the following form! I will get back to you on Discord where we will do a short-call, and if you are a good fit, you will be invited into the private server :)
- Name / Username:
- Age:
- Discord username:
- For how long have you been playing DnD?:
- Are you familiar with Foundry VTT?:
- Why are you joining this campaign? What interests you about it?:
- Describe the ideal D&D character you'd like to play:
- Any topics you are not comfortable having in the campaign? What are your soft and hard limits?:
- Are you comfortable with the possibility of losing a character or even more?:
- Any other information you'd like to share with me? The more the better!