4 weeks off Lexapro

Hey guys,

I just realized that I haven’t had anxiety since stopping lexapro but the entire 6 months i was on it , i struggled consistently with anxiety & intrusive thoughts. Prior to taking lexapro which was my first SSRI, i never really struggled with anxiety unless I experienced a traumatic event (which only happened 1 time prior to this). 🚨this isn’t to scare anyone, our bodies are different & this was just my experience unfortunately 🚨.

My question is, why did the Lexapro seem to prolong my anxiety or continuously trigger it? Has this happened to anyone else?

Also to add: i never adjusted to any of my doses. I had prolonged “onboarding side effects“ the entire time i was on it. It felt similar to the withdrawals i experienced coming off. (Maybe poor metabolism? Or my body rejected the med?)