Book 2

So I’m rewatching book 2 which I remember being kinda dull and I’m...actually really enjoying it this time. I especially love the vibe of the first two episodes. The southern water tribe is such a cool place and it’s cool we get to spend more time there.

Also when I first watched this show I remember thinking Korra was way too rash and hot headed. But now rewatching it I think the other characters treated the situation far too lightly. I mean Korra’s parents are in the middle of a war and I’m not really seeing any sympathy from Mako, Bolin or Asami.

Korra needed an emotional weight this season (Tenzin) but literally no one was trying to help her.

As for her choosing Unalaq over Tenzin, yeah not a great decision but in the moment I understand her. Tenzin and her father basically lied about her entire life and kept her basically imprisoned for years. Makes sense she’s a bit miffed.

Overall I think I was way too hard on Korra this season. Not to mention her amazing spiritual development in the second half of the season.

So yeah I really like book 2 now, just wanted to share that lol.

It got to the point where the Wan story was actually boring me because I wanted to get back to Korra’s journey 😂

Oh and I still don’t really like Unalaq that much but his action scenes are 👌