Car accident fault? Images included

My daughter was a car accident this week. It was a 4 way stop. She was the first to the intersection so she stopped and then proceeded to go through. The other truck did not stop at their stop sign and hit her. Hit her so hard that her curtain airbags deployed, the wheel well was bent, and she spun 90 degrees and was stopped by that speed limit sign. The other driver claimed she ran her stop sign and hit him. The police didn’t assign fault and said it’s a case of “he said, she said” and that “insurance will duke it out”. I’m stressed because, to me, the damage points to my daughter’s story being the truth and I don’t want our insurance rates to skyrocket if blame isn’t assigned to the other driver. I filed a claim with the other guy’s insurance and sent photos and am waiting on their ruling. Am I wrong in the photos clearly pointing to him being at fault? I’m in Arkansas, if that matters.