Anti-Z Jew Travelling to Lebanon?
UPDATE: I’ve received a lot of advice and reassurance. I appreciate you all taking the time to do this! Most comments have been constructive and positive (as expected 🥰). I am so excited for my travels! I bought a new camera a while ago and Lebanon will be the perfect excuse to use it. I’ll post pics here after my visit in a few months. I wish you all happiness and good health xx
Hey all :)
I’m planning on travelling to Lebanon within the next few months to visit friends I haven’t seen in a few years. I’m really excited - Lebanon looks so beautiful - the people, the culture, the food…I can’t wait.
I’m Jewish, but very vocal about my Anti-Zionist and Pro-Palestine stance. I wear a keffiyeh often and will bring a few to wear while I’m visiting.
I have never travelled to Israel.
That being said, I recently told my very Zionist family about my travel plans and they are deathly afraid for me 😅 I should know better than to take their reactions seriously, but I would like to ask if I should be cautious in any way? I’m a nervous traveller in general, and my family telling me I’m going to get murdered doesn’t help…not that I believe it, but you know…not a great thing to hear lol
Edit: I am pretty non-religious; I never wear a kippah or anything of the like
Edit 2 lol: when I say that I’m vocal, I mean that if I am directly asked about my stance then I will make it obvious which side I am on. Also yes, I did have a yellow heart emoji on here…bc it’s like sunshine in a heart lol It wasn’t intentional beyond that 😂
Edit 3/? hahah: I’ve understandably given off the impression that I’m a political fanatic. I know we’re human, I know politics are messy. I’m an anxious soul who has been humbled and reassured/advised by these comments and I appreciate it very much!
Summary of responses: don’t be weird about it, go have fun, eat lots of food, prolly don’t go to the South tho, and no need to bring up religion or politics (I wouldn’t no matter where I travel really lol). Sounds gucci to me