Am i being scammed????

Hey guys as the title says now my problem is that my internet cable is i think cracked??? at some parts cause my internet IS FUCKING SLOW getting 2 mbps NOT MBps while my neighbor is getting 20+ yet we are connected on the same modem and paying same price (yes i asked my neighbor to check his wifi speed and asked others as well and no we are not connected on same wifi router and they all had 20+ mbps speed) i contacted the ISP im connected to (not ogero or one of those companies its one of those small private ISP) and he said that to change my long cable which is around 50 meters (i live in 7th floor) itll cost around 35-40$ am i being scammed here?? Or what exactly??? Cause i saw online that a 50 meter cat 6 cable is 15$ soo whats up?? Can anyone help?? Big plus if a network expert here knows!!! Thanks!!!

I FORGOT TO ADD BRUH!!!!! Every time my router turns off or restarts the internet doesnt get connected immediately it keeps blinking yellow on the internet logo!!!! I have to unplug and plug the ethernet cable back in like multiple times until it finally connects!!!