Is programming supposed to be this hard is it just not for me?
I started teaching myself how to code in python about a month ago and it's probably one of the hardest things i've ever had to learn, i spend about 2-4 hours a day learning and working on courses online but i have trouble actually digesting anything, i could probablyyy do the basics if you were to pay me and i had to, and i mean literally the basics like greeting a user or loading up a list or sorting out a list, stuff like that the BARE minimum but it's the more complicated stuff that i just stare at for what seems like hours trying to logically piece everything together but can never see how they make sense, i guess what i'm asking is was it this hard for you starting? And how long did it take for you to confidently talk about coding? weeks months maybe years? like i said i'm on my first month and its embarrassing how complicated it feels to me like 90% of the time im just STUMPED. So be honest and tell me whether or not im going through a faze or it's literally just me and its not that hard