Let proplay suffer
Since balancing for pro and regular league isn't feasible for riot, couldn't we just let all the busted champions exist?
Like it sucks that people who were good with Azir, Ryze (pre 9.12), Kalista, Ksante, whoever else had a high skill ceiling to master. We average players should be rewarded for putting in time into these champions and learning how to use them. It feels so good to finally master a really mechanically complex champion and be rewarded for it. It absolutely SUCKS when half their cool stuff gets removed cause some top players know how to abuse them.
It'd also make proplay more exciting to watch seeing all the skill expression and the crazy combos they'd pull with some of these champions that fans would for sure love to try.
It just sucks that the majority has to get these watered down versions of super fun champs cause like the top 1% of the playerbase get frustrated.
Imo just bring back all their original versions all at once and unleash the wackiness. If everything's busted, then nothing will be.