Aside from diamond to Master+, The higher your division, the higher Mel's banrate is, with peaking today at nearly 78% in diamond+. Is she due for another set of nerfs?

Mel is now out for more than a full week, and to say she shaken up the rift is an understatement. With 1 of the highest debut winrates in recent memory, she received a series of hotfix nerfs after a couple of days.

Despite the hotfix nerfs: the general opinion is that mel still feels overtuned, despite her below 50% winrate. This is suggesting the hotfix nerfs did have the desired effect, but still feel frustrating enough to be banned nearly 3x as much as the next ones on the list: Shaco for lower levels, caitlin and miss-fortune for gold and platinum, and pyke for higher elo.

What really is suprising to me, is that while iron has the lowest banrate as expected due a variety of reasons (game knowledge, mechanics and other things), every division you climb, mel's banrate seem to increase the higher your current division. With from iron all the way up to diamond+, every division sees a higher % mel banrate than the previous, with Iron+ lowest at currently 68%, while diamond+ having it highest at 77.1%. Only at Masters+ the banrate is lower than it's predecessor. Not by much tho: the difference is only 0.2% according to leagueofgraphs...

With the playrate of diamond+- mel at over 16%, that means (if my math is right), over 93% of the diamond+ games mel is either banned or picked, while in iron, with her high playrate, over 91% of the games Mel is either pick or ban.

Is Mel due for another series of nerfs to finally discourage people to ban Mel? What is needed to get Mel's banrate down?

(Links below for banrate stats by division)