New Coop AI bots are a massive W against smurf accounts
As you may know, the COOP vs AI gamemode is the main way people level smurf accounts. The old AI in the gamemode wouldn't even attack you half of the time, and so people would make bots to grind out these games to get to level 30. These bots would just instalock adc champs, and just run it down the lane auto attacking anything in their path until they brute forced through every tower. This patch, however, Riot has made new COOP AI to be more like a real League game, and it completely destroys the afk bots.
The new AI can jungle, counterjungle, gank, towerdive, and most importantly: Use their abilities. I played a couple games of Vs AI Intro, and the leveling bots on my team did not stand a chance. In one game the leveling bots on my team ended up getting 3 kills total, the whole game. The enemy bots? 47. Every tower and inhib on our side was gone by the end of the game. All of this happened in only 25 minutes.
I can confidently say that until smurfs make better bot ai, people are going to have to level their smurf accounts the good old fashion way. Smurf account prices are going to go up, and hopefully it'll ward off at least a few of them. Huge W from Riot.