Help feeling negative how to feel positive?

I was wondering how I can manifest positive things when I don't feel positive about them. For example, when I think about my boyfriend, I feel this doomed sensation in my chest, like I feel so hopeless. I try to be positive, but I can't; it feels like he always tries to make everything negative. Even when it comes to having a simple conversation, he starts rolling his eyes, and I immediately stop talking. I wish I could tell him so many things, but I feel like I can't, and when I try to talk, he just dismisses me or says the bare minimum. I want to manifest having a positive interaction with him, like we used to, and for him to open up more. I've been working so much on myself, reading The Secret, and I know that by writing this, it's like I'm manifesting these things. I just wanted to explain the situation. I don't feel like this with my friends, only with him. When I'm alone, I feel positive and can manifest things. I love him very much; I just wish to reconcile the beautiful emotional connection we had.

Pls help, Thank you