Lana crowd at Lolla was awful.

I don’t even know where to start. I had no idea her fans could be so vile and horrible and selfish. I’ll just tell you everything, its a lot, read it or don’t.

Right off the bat - I’m there hours and hours early to get barricade. Once they opened the gates to security, it was lawless. I’m getting my bag checked and people behind me are putting their bags in front of mine and shoving mine to the back🤨. Then everyone sprints to the stage and Im looking for my friends who got a spot right behind barricade. Already disappointed because theres hella people on barricade who were NOT in line earlier than a lot of us who were.

Then, the people in front of me end up being the most horrible people I have ever met and they apparently flew to chicago from somewhere I will not name but like, she already performed there on this tour. There was a bit of space on the rail so I put my hand on it so I could fit between them once the crowd shifted - there was enough space for me. The stupid ass little boy and girl start screaming in my face and telling me to leave. He physically puts his hands on mine and peels my finger off the rail. I’m already crying and we’re not even 30 minutes into waiting. I’ve never felt so disrespected and anxious in my life.

So now I’m stuck behind these people, and the girls boyfriend is behind her, and he continuously is reaching over me and making the most exaggerated hand gestures to talk to his friend who was behind me and and my friends (rightfully so as he got there after us). He was completely disrespecting my space so fucking often I was genuinely so anxious and annoyed. They were all screaming to talk and my friends overheard the girl talking shit about me to every stranger around her🤨. So at this point, I’m doing what I can to shift my body away from them without disturbing the crowd.

Then, Lil Yatchy comes on. I genuinely enjoyed parts of his set, but man oh man. All of his fans got stuck in the back because Lanas crowd took over the entire viewing area, so they are all surging forward and we were packed like sardine for the entire set. I could not move my body. I see his fans screaming a up behind us and im like holy shit how did they get here?? Security is having to pull so many people out of the crowd at this point and so they are telling the crowd to make room so those who need to leave can walk up to barricade and get pulled out. Instead of doing that, lana fans are using this as an opportunity to move up closer. After rhe lil yatchy mosh, I end up moving away from the nuisances and some girl who was way behind us is now where I was. I still can see and have some cool people around me but now I’ve been separated from my friends who I came to enjoy Lana with.

Now, there are so many people near us that were way behind and the crowd is way too packed. Some dude comes on stage to tell us to take several steps back and to the left, and it literally felt like everyone behind us did the opposite. We are so unsafely squeezed together.

I had camped so long so I was not leaving without seeing Lana. Lana was amazing - beautiful and magical and ethereal. I love being so close to her but this felt so wrong. I couldn’t enjoy her presence because everyone was pushing and screaming all the words. Some dude called me a dumbass because I was trying to hold my ground while literally getting pushed forward by the entire crowd when she came down the the barricade. At that point I literally could not breathe and I felt so sad and disrespected that I had to have security lift me out of the crowd.

I came to enjoy the concert with other people who love lana’s music, and instead I left realizing just how cruel and selfish people can be. I cannot believe that this woman, who is so sweet and kind and genuine, has fans that are this horrid.

Edit: So many people around me were also just on their phones recording the entire goddamn concert. Some didnt even know the songs and you could tell when we were waiting and asking each other what song are you excited for. Like why did you push all the way up here if you’re just a tiktok fan?? Also, this girl on barricade refused to step back for someone getting escorted out of the crowd by security, and kept saying there was no space but we all saw there was. When the guard called her out on it, she kept insisting it was not because she would lose her spot. How selfish can you be.

Not responding to people defending people’s cruelty. Just because things are this way doesn’t mean they should be. We should all want safe, respectful concert experiences so that everyone can enjoy what they came to enjoy. We all have something in common and if we can’t even bond through that, its just sad and disappointing. I am glad to have met some cool people around me and enjoy the music with them before I sadly had to leave the crowd.