Advice for first time conference presentation
Hi all, I am a 3rd year PhD candidate who has been given the incredible opportunity to present my recently published research at an international conference. This is my first conference ever in my field and I certainly wasn’t expecting to be giving two oral presentations during it.
No one from my lab is able to go with me including my PI. I’m feeling incredibly anxious about the whole ordeal and have absolutely no idea what to expect.
Would people mind sharing some advice/words of encouragement for attending/presenting at your first conference? What was it like for you? Were people nice? Did you ever feel ambushed or attacked by people’s questions? How did you handle it?
Thank you!
Edit with update: the talk went really well, my nerves got the better of me making my voice a bit shakey but people were incredibly nice and supportive of my research. Thanks all for the advice. One presentation down, one to go!