It appears that having an international hit may be more financially rewarding than just a Korean one

A very common sentiment even here on kpop reddit is that bgs are losing out by having international success compared to just Korean success. Some even discount them in these conversations.

However, it's interesting seeing just how much more money you get from an international hit than just a Korean one( ofc it's amazing to capture both markets. Some just act like if you lose the Korean one you're now barely making ends meet. This is used against bgs and twice)

Hybe's streaming revenue for 2024 (released today):

|Korean streaming services| |35billion krw| |International streaming services| |126billion krw|

For comparison, hybe's streaming revenue for 2023: |Korean streaming services| |41billion krw| |International streaming services| |107billion krw|

I think it's important to try and capture both markets but being successful in either one doesn't mean that someone is now a "flop".

PS: NO. I'M NOT SAYING STREAMING REVENUE IS THE MAIN SOURCE OF INCOME FOR GROUPS. ALBUM SALES AND CONCERTS EARN MORE. This was just showing profitability of "hit songs" internationally vs domestically.