The whole ksh-ksr controversy in a nutshell

  1. Both actors dated each other, ksr family claims 2015 end to 2021, ksh side claimed 2019-2020. Regardless of the actual confirmed timeline, it's creepy. This guy has known her since she was in middle school and the moment she turns an adult they start dating. (opinion) Even though there are letters exchanged between them in 2018 (she was 17 and not direct evidence of them dating) i'm pretty sure ksh side mentioned the timeline as 2019 because there is evidence of them being intimate before 2019. It's easy to shorten the timeline to your narrative and i feel that's what is happening.
  2. So I'm not really sure if Ksh or the agency was responsible for lending her money. (opinion)Her passing away on his birthday is a huge sign that he was directly or indirectly responsible for her decision. if the text message is true by chance, then she was pressured to pay back the debt.

Overall, both are separate issues based on the current evidence revealed. The connecting point would be what happened between their break-up and the time he cut off contact with the post consequences, all of which I am not sure of. Ksr's family is either trying to get justice for her or just using her story for their own gains. ksh side will mostly try to protect his reputation. He may not be responsible for her death, and a person may not be perfect, but he crossed moral boundaries and even if not now at some point in future this would have been revealed.

Nothing changed the fact that she decided to take her life, it could have been a series of incidents (Her break-up, her reputation crashing from the DUI and the hate following it) or the pressure to pay the money back. Several male actors/idols got involved in DUI's but people eventually forgot about these and their careers are still fine. Ksr shouldn't have to face such dire consequences when the male actors are able to recover her career.

People are feeling bad about her now that she passed away, why they didn't feel sympathy for her when she was alive and struggling with her life

Her agency could have done something to help recover her career(After the DUI). Instead, they abandoned her and potentially put pressure on her to pay a debt she couldn't afford.