[KCD2] stop complaining about the combat
I think this was much more obvious during the first game because of how much smaller the community was, but if you really hate the combat then you're probably just not the target audience. The combat in this game is very realistic to what fighting with weapons is actually like. If you don't like that it's fine but don't complain about it when you can see exactly what it's like in the trailers, and read what it's like in basically any online discussion about Kingdom Come Deliverance. I'm not saying if you don't like the combat you shouldn't play this game I'm just suggesting that you don't complain about it and instead acknowledge that it's not made to appeal to you.
EDIT: Okay since some people appear to be too dense to get the main point of this post allow me to clarify. I'm not talking about the glitches of NPCs moving 10 feet towards you I'm not talking about any glitchiness or buggy issues with the combat system and to be clear I don't think it's perfect. In fact I agree with a lot of the comments people are leaving I am pointing out that people who come to this game expecting pure hack and slash combat or want it to be a Skyrim or chivalry 2 style game are not the target audience.
TLDR: I'm not talking about bugs or glitches I'm pointing out that this game is not supposed to be Skyrim 2.0.