I quit my job with no back up...

Hi, I quit my job this week. It's a long story of betrayal, including write ups with blatant lies ( one of which was from my hr manager, retaliation that I can't prove) and the attitude changed towards me once my husband left for the military. Mind you, my husband still has no idea about anything that has transpired, because he does not need to be worrying about that, while in training. I've been applying for jobs, literally anything at this point. Part time or full time in any field. I left a management position, what I once would have considered my dream job. I can honestly say that every ounce of passionate ever had for that field has left my body. I have no idea what to do now. I had a clear path, and literally all of my experiences in this one thing. I'm really lost right now, and even more so, since I can't talk to my husband (he's my best friend and I talk to him about everything). I guess this is more of a rant cause I don't really know what to actually ask for help with... but I have applied for 30+ jobs in the last 3 weeks, recieved 4 notifications about not getting it, and 1 that messaged asking for an interview that ghosted me after I responded... 3 times... i've never been without a job since I got out of college. I'm not even being picky about dates or times that I can work. How is anyone supposed to get hired when nobody ever responds??? I have more experience than they could possibly want for half of these... what more could I do????