Made fun of my Mexican name
We don’t allow customers to use our restroom because of short supplies & we always tell people to use the store next door, most people don’t mind.
I was putting fabrics away when this lady came & demanded a cashier for the register, to which I responded no problem I’ll have someone right there, she then demanded to open the bathroom which I replied, “I’m sorry we don’t have available restrooms, but they do right next door” she said “you know it’s illegal to not let customers use the restroom” & mumbling other stuff, to which I replied in sorry but those are my orders, she then asked for my name, which is not a common name, I gave it to her, she then said “it’s what?” With the most disgusting face & I repeated it again, & she made fun of it, I ignored it, my coworker even gave her the code of the bathroom next door, & she walked away saying we’ll bring me a cashier & bring a mop then, I ignored her.
I went to help the cashier out at a second register, & she was helping this lady, as soon as she was done & walking out the door, she proceeded to call me something that rhymed with my name & said good luck & laughed….
Shout out to the customer that gave me a cute hand painted rock that said “you matter” that cheered me up <3
Rude karens….