A Few Questions from Noob 1500 Ironman

1) Are my stats and gear good enough to do Wildy bosses? I really want d pick because it was a favorite of mine as a kid, and I want to do MTM to afk. If so, which boss should I do for the pick (I’ve never done a wildy boss in my life).

2) Are my gear and stats ready for a firecape? I’ve gotten a few on my main w/ blessed d hide and a bp, but never with this gear.

3) I only have Karill’s bottoms from 18kc or something. Should I try for Ahrim’s or just skip and use mystic?

I’m gonna rush SotE’s once I get my slayer up to fund the skills needed to complete it. But until then, I’d love to know some short term goals. Thanks for helping me stand alone