iPad or tablet?

I want to get either and iPad or Samsung tablet, for the next school semester.

I am a student so I want to be able to use it for notes and studying. But at the same time I don’t want it to be my only use.

I want to use it for illustrations and planning aswell. Now, I know apple has procreate which is great and Samsung has other alternatives. But I want to know if the alternatives are actually that good. Do they work the same or would I have to subscribe to something?

I’m not that particular about gaming or anything so any details relevant to that I wouldn’t care for too much.

If I do get an iPad, which I’m leaning a little more towards… which one should I get. I feel like since I’m investing in one might aswell get a new iPad Air, or should I save a bit and go for the iPad10.

If anyone has any tips on how I could save some while getting one that would be great. I really want it to be 900cad and below
