Bombed the interview for my dream job
I did so poorly on an interview for a job that I really really wanted. It was for a position that aligned with my aspirations, and I believe that the work that I want to do is pretty niche and difficult to find. I put much pressure on myself to land this job, and even had some level of connections to the people interviewing me. Yet I completely bombed it. I was so anxious the entire time & honestly was forgetting things that I was saying as words were leaving my mouth. I struggled on expected questions (there were 12), and I felt judged by my responses. Disappointing people is one of my biggest fears, and I felt like I was disappointing them through every second of the interview. I really hate myself because I know that I can work hard and that I am eager to learn… i jsut can’t portray that through the extreme stress that I feel from the interview process. I immediately went on a run and cried throughout it afterwards just to get back & feel overwhelmed again. I really thought that this job was the amazing opportunity that I was waiting for- the one that could pull me out of this dark hole I’ve get stuck in for so long. I’ve been applying to jobs for months and I’ve only had 2 interviews. Is it even worth it in my end to send a thank you email to the position that I just interviewed for?