About to marry my Mexican fiancé (25M) but we’re forced to invite his aunts Thea are prejudice towards me (26 F) African American
I’ve known my partner since junior year of highschool, and we’ve decided to date again a few years ago. He proposed to me last year and most of his family members embraced me.
Now the problem is, his aunts on his mom side of the family are prejudice against me. I thought I was being sensitive at first, but I don’t think that’s the case anymore.
Everytime his niece or nephew, or anyone for that matter has a birthday party, we all celebrate at his parents house due to space (and his dad knowing how to barbecue). Sometimes his aunts from his mom’s side show up. As courtesy, I make sure I say hi to everyone out of respect. Everytime I say hello to them, they start to look angry.
I don’t like conflict or confronting, so I tried to ignore it. But it happens every single time! One time it was near the end of his nephews birthday and they were getting ready to leave. I know they’re not the affectionate type, so I tried to shake their hand and say goodbye. They avoided my touch and walked past me.
I even thought maybe it could be a language barrier, but his mom told me they understand English. Still, I learned some basic greetings and ways to say goodbye. They still seem upset when I’m around.
I told my fiancé about this and it upset him. But I told him not to fight or confront the situation. It’s not like we see them often anyways. But his mom ignores it or be like “oh they’re just old”.
Now we are about to get married very soon and we’re budgeting, trying to do a final head count, and when it comes to his family being invited, I leave that up to him. Turns out he tried to not invite the aunts on his mom’s side, and next thing you know his parents became highly upset.
I understand their distaste for the decision; the family has a very strong “family” dynamic. But the reasons he gave was that those aunties (there’s four of them btw) never interact with him, they never were around him when he was young, didn’t help raise him, and they essentially disrespected me. (I think those are good reasons, but I try to keep my opinions regarding his family to myself because I don’t want to overstep).
His parents ignored his reasons and argued him into inviting them.
Maybe it’s just me/us, but inviting those four who are prejudice against me to our wedding is kind of bothersome.
Am I overreacting?