My mum wants a foster child update: I’m getting kicked out.
I don’t know if many of you have seen the most recent post I put up about my mum wanting a foster kid but now it’s spiralled into a whole argument about money.
So originally we got into a debate because she wants to foster a child and I told her that we cannot financially afford it despite the government giving her money. We also don’t have the time as she’s studying a degree and I have my a level exams in May. Today it kicked off because apparently I don’t contribute enough financially and it’s not fair that I buy myself stuff when I get paid. I see where she’s coming from but I also haven’t been buying my self stuff recently, I bought new shoes as mine were destroyed and I was thinking about getting a new ps4 game as a reward for upping my grades but I probably won’t now as I’d need somewhere to sleep and she said if I stay here I’ll have to buy my own shopping.
She told me that she pays for the electricity, water, gas, rent etc and I’m aware of that but I pay for our monthly phone contracts and that’s all as I don’t make enough to help contribute to the other stuff and I admit I do feel really shitty but I simply don’t work enough. I could up my hours but as I’m in education I wouldn’t have time to revise for my a levels and I kind of need good grades to get into university to escape this household. She keeps bringing up how £100 a month doesn’t go far but I’ve asked if she wants more everytime I get paid and she says no and to treat myself or save it so I don’t know where this mindset has sprung from.
I asked if she wanted my savings (£300) to pay the bills and as I sent it she said no keep it and treat yourself then refused to give it back. I told her to either use it for the bills or give it me back so I can buy my own shopping like she said or find a hotel to sleep for a few nights and she eventually caved. She then gave it back, told me to fuck off and she wants me gone by the time she gets home from work at half 5 tonight (it’s currently half 2) .
She’s made me message my dad who I haven’t seen for two years and haven’t had a proper conversation with in about 3-4 years. He used to be very emotionally abusive and we used to argue all the time and I was ironically going to change my surname from his to my mums next week because he’s a bad person. He lives in a one bedroom flat which is ridden with dirt and mould and there’s nowhere to sleep as his wife despises me and I don’t think they want an 18 year old sleeping in the bedroom with them. Luckily it’s been about 30 minutes and he hasn’t answered me so she might have a change of heart.
I do not know why I’m resulting to posting all of this on the Internet. I’d tell the police but there’s not a lot they could do as it would be continue living here or live with my dad. I’d tell my brother but he lives in a different city and is probably at work and my sister caves in to my mother’s manipulation and temper so I’ve got nothing to resort to.
Any survival advice Internet mums, dads, aunts and uncles?
UPDATE: She gets home in an hour and I’m sat doing homework. My parents have been split up about 9 years now but my dad messaged her asking what’s happened and probably had a word with her, and she said I can stay for now but if I get in her way I’m gone instantly. Because I’m a people pleaser I’ve cleaned the whole house and plan on just staying in my room to revise and watch tv all night. Thank you for the kind words, I’ll definitely be contacting social services if it gets worse or if she tries to foster. And thanks to that one commenter who called me out on my career aspirations.
UPDATE 2: Sorry for two updates. She got home about an hour ago and stormed upstairs and didn’t talk to me. I made myself some dinner than she just sat and carried on shouting and dumping her finances on her and how selfish I am etc. I told her I’m not arguing with her and that I’ll stop talking about money at all and I’ll keep my purchases to myself as she said it’s annoying when I talk about buying new shoes or whatever because she gets nothing out of her wages. Looks like I’ll be sleeping here and living here after all but I’m going to do what I did as a kid and try stay confined in my bedroom so no conflict can kick off. I read her messages to my dad and she’s made up lies and to him and thinks we are best friends again. I’m just gonna keep out the way for the time being. Thanks again for the help.