[NUC8i3BEH/Win10] Graphical glitches started to happen recently on several NUC (100%repro during Win logon)
Since a few days/week ago, I'm seeing video glitches on part of the screen. Main place where it happens really reliably is Windows Logon screen, when prompting for PIN and default background becomes blurred : big blocks of random color will pop stay a split second, and go away, mostly upper left part of the screen. The funny thing is that the glitches are blurred like the rest of background.
See pic where mouse cursor is in focus.
Also happens under portraits in Teams. And while resizing pictures in outlook/word. On much smaller areas in those cases.
And, the main thing : it started on two NUC8i3BEH at about the same time. And one of them just got swapped for a new one under warranty (for other issue : fan breaking down), and exact same symptom after moving the M2 stick : so clearly something carried along with the OS partition. And observed on 3 distinct NUCs.
Feels like new drivers behaving bad and impacting hardware-accelerated part of the display, but can't spot any OS or driver update that matches the timeline.
I've upgraded BIOS and all intel drivers to the latest, no help. Forced incoming preview of Win10 semester release, no help.
Anyone with same symptoms ? Any known solution ?
==== SOLVED ===
Guys, I collected v. from https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/19344/intel-graphics-windows-dch-drivers.html and it has fixed the issue for me ! Confirmed on 2 NUC. (Looking at the release date, that thing is super recent : March 23rd..)