Memory is so weird

I remember my childhood vaguely (although I remember songs from my childhood very well, some vivid moments from my childhood) Sometimes I have an amazing memory for some names or numbers, I also have a photographic memory. But as for events in general, that is, in detail, what happened, what people told me, a complete and detailed description of the area, I cannot answer this. Also, I do not remember what happened 3 , 5 years ago (even if I remember something, it is very vague and I can hardly say exactly and even more so express something like: Oh yes, I remember how I behaved like this then and it happened like this, and then we went there and it happened like this) I also have a terrible short-term memory, I forget things, words, thoughts, I forget what I put where 5 minutes ago. My phone fell out once and I didn’t even hear it, I often leave things in public places. But if you give me a trigger or something similar I have a deja vu effect, as if I have already seen it and then the memories seem to come out of nowhere.

Do you have the same?