Bonus Round: Non-English Titles. Favourite Industrial Songs A-Z. Song with the most upvotes wins!

Notes: 'The,' and, 'A,' are omitted from song/album titles (ex. "The Downward Spiral," by NIN would count for D rather than T) and numbers should be spelled out (ex. "20 Jazz Funk Greats," by TG would count for T)

Please include the name of the artist after the song/album title- ex. "After the Flesh" - My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult (for ease of those trying to find the songs)

The no repeats version is here on slide #2, as is my version of the top five of every round playlist (several others have compiled their own versions. I compiled mine every day right after the post was made, so mine is probably the most accurate to what actually had the most upvotes after roughly 24 hours. No shade to those who have made their own!)