Apa "Pineapple-Pizza" versi kalian?

Refleksi pagi ini kepikiran soal makanan & minuman gue yang orang sekitar anggap aneh. I'll go first :

  1. Odading pake saus sambel. Banyak banget makanan rasa pedas-manis tapi kalau saus cakue gue pake buat odading kok pada protes?
  2. I'm the kind of person who couldn't eat anything without any condiments. BPOM declared Susu Kental Manis as a condiment! Hence I use it as sauce for my Sunny Side-up Egg with rice. Gurih asin nikmat dunia.
  3. Coca-Cola + Kental Manis. I got this one from my dad, as you could guess we're prediabetic. It smoothens out the sting and makes it taste a better kind of sweet
  4. Dulu waktu SD lagi pengen banget pisang keju, tapi gak ada pisang. So I proceeded to only use a generous amount of shredded cheese and... you've guessed it again, kental manis! I could eat a bowl of those two things. Also experimented with different kind of cheeses, chocolate sprinkles, milo, and everything sweet & savory.
  5. Mie Sedaap Goreng is superior, tapi kadang kalo gak ada mie rebus, suka gue bikin jadi mie kuah. Saos & Kecap included. Memang jadinya kurang asin tinggal tambah seasoning sendiri jadinya enak juga. Sempet nyobain kuah mie pake susu ultra juga tapi kurang cocok sama lidah gue (surprisingly)
  6. Honorable mention kadang gue makan nasi kuning pake kecap dan kalo makan bareng keluarga/temen sering kena side-eye & disebut tukang ngerusak makanan. Similar experience with kecap + bakso.

What about you guys, komodos, what's your specialty cursed food?