Learn from my mistake: validate your idea before building an app
I came up with a unique way to solve a business problem that I had. So I built out my app and it worked really well. The first version took about 2 months but the UX wasn’t great so I had to spend a few weeks getting that right. I showed the finished version to a few friends and they loved it. One person even offered to invest a considerable amount. I knew I was onto something.
The final piece was to build out a landing page that would convert so I spent another week doing that. Then all that was left was to market the product.
I started with the most obvious marketing channel for the product, which was cold emails. It took some time to figure out how to execute that and get enough volume. But it didn’t give me any results. I got a few signups but no one used the app. This was the first warning but I didn’t see it—I still convinced myself that my app was great.
I thought the problem with cold emails was that I wasn’t able to reach the right people and enough of them. So I decided to put my money where my mouth is and spend some cash on Meta advertising. A lot of people talk about how fast you can scale up with ads so that seemed like a dream.
However, the reality for me was different. I burned through $835 and got a few sign ups but again no one would use the app. At this point I started seeing what was going on. I might have had a good app but there wasn’t a need for it. If your app doesn’t solve a problem or provide real value then no one will use it.
All in all I spent about 5 months and $1000+ on that app. The annoying thing is that I could have saved myself all of that time and money had I just validated my idea before building. Fortunately, this mistake put me on a path to understand idea validation and startup building in a much deeper way and nowadays I have two successful SaaS businesses. The one I’m most proud of has 4000+ users and this time people are loving my app :)
If you want to build an app, take it from me: validate your idea properly before building. You’ll save yourself an incredible amount of time, effort, and pain. My brother (he was there with me through all of this) has written an in-depth guide that I recommend if you want to learn more about idea validation and how to actually validate your idea. You can find it here.