f/m 25 threshold predictions

okayy so i used chatgpt to predict the thresholds for each subject by telling it the average difficulty of the papers along with providing it w previous years’ thresholds of 2023 and 2024 (all series). Here is what i think the thresholds for A* will be (please correct me if my predictions are wayyy off):

For Math, the threshold would be around 176/200 (lower than f/m 24 because the syllabus has changed, we got a non calci paper and there were a few tricky questions that i thought were easy but at the same time i could also see why it would be difficult for certain students)

For ESL, I would say that the threshold for A* would be 138/150 (the 2024 papers were really easy, so the thresholds were extremely high (145/150) so imo to balance the thresholds and not keep it crazy high they decided to make the papers a bit more difficult (the listening paper especially))

For Physics, the threshold would be around 153/200 (higher than o/n 24 because the o/n 24 papers were soo damn difficult that the thresholds were literally 139/200 for an A*, which is crazy low, so again in order to balance the thresholds they decided to keep f/m 25 easy, so that the thresholds are a bit higher and come back to the normal range of 145-155)

for chem, i’d say the threshold would be 163/200, pretty similar to f/m 24, because the difficulty of the papers were similar to those of f/m 24 (excluding papee 6 which wasn’t difficult but it was certainly weird, because WHY TF WOULD THEY ASK SO MUCH OF CHROMATOGRAPHY AND LITERALLY ELECTROLYSIS FOR THE 6 MARKER?!)

for biology, i’d say the thresholds would be 168/200, because paper 2 was pretty normal, and even p4 and p6 weren’t difficult per se, but they were certainly weirder than usual ifygwim because they asked so much about marine life and plastics and that is never usually asked in p4, and for p6 they asked us how to count the area of the leaf which was easy but weird 😭😭

for CS, i bet the thresholds would be lower than usual this time at around 112/150, because of paper 2 and its 15 marker (i am still not over how good my p1 went vs how bad my p2 went all because of the 15 marker) (but imo even p1 was weirder than usual because they literally only asked 3 marks worth of binary calculations when in all the other papers there’s exactly 10 marks worth of calculations, and they asked that weird search engine question for machine learning, but that was relatively okay)

for French, the thresholds will be normal at 165/200 because all the papers were so damn good and normal except listening, because of the first question where literally so many people messed up because they didn’t include the ground floor 😭

Add Maths thresholds imo would be 137/160, a bit lower than usual because of the new syllabus and the non calci paper.

what are your thoughts on this?? lmk if anyone thinks otherwise, because some of my predictions could be wayy off i think 😭😭