DUNU DK-3001-BD vs Softears Volume S
Is this an unorthodox comparison? Absolutely. Am I still going to make it? Yes.
I bought the Softears Volume S and the Dunu DK-3001-BD because they were one of the few options that had free returns (my country's equivalent of Amazon prime). And 7 hours later here they are. Here are my thoughts
Comfort: Volume S absolutely curb-stomps the BD imo. The volume S are inherently smaller which is a big plus but they also stay in my ears much better. The BDs felt like they could fall out with a simple shake. This also led to lower noise isolation. I'd rate the volume S a 9 and the BD around a 5-6.
Accessories. In this area, the BD is much better. Now I haven't actually tried the tips on the Volume S because I thought I might have to return them. But they seem to be decent tips from all the other reviews I read. The Volume S also comes with a small box which I actually like more than BD's because it's more practical. The Volume S also has a pouch for your IEMs and that's about it from the Volume S. BD on the other hand comes with about everything you'll ever need. 3 different tip types all with 3-4 size options along with a single pair of foam tips. The BD also ships with a magnetically closing box which is nice but a bit overkill IMO. I'd rate the Softears a 7 and the BD a 10.
Sound. I'm no audiophile by any means, these are my first IEMs coming from Bluetooth overears but I'll try my best. Used a Shanling UA1 plus with Apple Music.
This is obviously what matters most. I used the DUNU S&S on the BD and the DUNU candy for the Volume S. The DUNU seems to have better base with a bit more weight behind it but that's not to say the volume S is lacking at all. I'd rate the BD a 9/10 and the Volume S a 8.5. Very little difference imo.
Instruments are good on both but I prefer how the Volume S sounds. It sounds clearer and the instruments sound more separated from the vocals. Like the bass, both are very good and not lacking by any means. Volume S is a 9 and the BD a 8. I'd say vocals are where the Volume S shines. It sounds superb. Across both male and female the volume S is a joy to listen to. The issue with fitment on the BDs might have contributed to this but it's still my experience. Volume S is a 9.8 and BD is an 8.5.
Im shuffling my library as I'm writing this and across nearly every song I'm listening to the Volume S sounds so damn good.
I plan on returning the BDs and keeping the Volume S. They're an absolute joy to listen to. I'd go as far as to say it's a good blind buy. It's a bit rough considering it's my first time writing something like this but I hope it was helpful. Cheers