Would the Aful Explorer be my endgame?

I’ve been searching for my endgame iem, but I don’t want to spend a ton of money to get there. I’m wondering if the AFUL Explorer might be the right choice.

I’ve tried a few IEMs, including the Hexa, Hola, Wan’er, and CCA C12 and while I don’t know much about tuning terminology, I know that I can’t stand bright-sounding IEMs—anything overly sharp is a no-go for me.

I enjoy the warmth of the Hexa, but it's not comfortable (using spinfit W1, the tips are comfortable with the other iems). I need something that’s comfortable for long listening sessions. After trying a few, fit and comfort are as important as sound quality.

I’ve been reading that the AFUL Explorer has a smaller nozzle size, which makes it more comfortable and the sound signature seems like it would fit my liking. For those who’ve tried it, how does it compare in terms of warmth, treble smoothness, and long-term comfort? Would it be a solid upgrade from the Hexa and a possible "last purchase", or should I be looking at something else?