Trackster (Spotify, apple music, youtube downloader for ipod)

Hi, I built this tool for my ipod and car stereo. I have made some more changes and fixes based on the feed back here is an update on that

Now it is available on mac to (thanks to my cousin to lete use her mac book to build this)

It lets you download playlist and albums from Spotify, apple music and youtube with all the meta data intact.

It primarily downloads at 320kbps but for some not popular songs the quality goes down to 124kbps

Here are the github and patreon links:

I have a small rant about development on mac please bear with and tell me what I did wrong

This was my first time actually using mac (like installing a few softwares and debugging etc)

Why does it have to ask for password like a thousand times? When I maximize the screen why does my window go to another workspace? Where is the back button in vs code?

Anyway feel free to try it out