My story
This might be a little long but here goes. Back at the end of August I had tested positive for COVID. During that time I also started my period. I noticed that my period was a little longer, didn’t really worry about it, that was until it lasted for 6 weeks. Granted it was intermittent spotting but it was unusual for me. I just figured it was from the meds I was on when I was sick. Once it ended I figured I would be back to normal. I was wrong. 13 days later it came back again and was worse than before. So I decided to find a doctor. Unfortunately the next available was in November. While I’m waiting for the appointment I was documenting the frequency of my periods. They were lasting for about a week or so and then coming back 14-16 days later. I ended up going to the doctors in November and I explained everything to her. I didn’t even get to the issues I’ve had with cramping and feeling just miserable. At first she recommended an endometrial biopsy but because I didn’t tolerate a Pap smear very well she recommended a D&C with hysteroscopy. Meanwhile I had to get labs and an ultrasound done. That was all normal. So we move forward with the D&C and hysteroscopy. That procedure was done at the end of January. At my follow-up visit she told me that I had an endometrial polyp (benign) and my lining was extremely thick, this is what she believes is the source of my problems. She gave me a list of treatment options. Birth control was eliminated because it wasn’t worth the risk for me (strong family history of cancer). The medical treatment options didn’t sound that great to me (or to my mom who was there for support). She also suggested surgical options either an endometrial ablation or hysterectomy. I told her I felt a hysterectomy might be my best option but I wanted to see how my next period was after the D&C since she was hoping that would help straighten out my issues. So fast forward to Feb. 28th and my period started. I thought ok this isn’t too bad maybe I can put off the surgical consult for a little bit. I’m kind of regretting this because I’m now on day 19 of my period. Thankfully I have an appointment next Tuesday for my surgical consult. Hopefully my surgery gets approved without having to argue with insurance.