You’re offered $500 million, but in exactly one year, you’ll be teleported to a random location on Earth, and you’ll have to make your way back home to claim the prize.

Here are the rules:

  • You’ll receive $300,000 upfront to help you prepare. You have the rest of the year and this additional money to prepare yourself for the journey.
  • On the day of teleportation, you’ll appear in a random location on solid ground somewhere in the world, never in a body of water. The location could be a desert, jungle, mountain peak, remote island, or even just a few meters away from where you’re standing right now.
  • You’ll know the exact teleportation location one month before it happens. You can reroll your teleportation location up to four times, with each reroll reducing the final payout by $100 million. Once you reroll, previously available locations can’t be revisited, and after four rerolls, you’ll be required to complete the challenge.
  • You’re only allowed to use public transportation to get home. That means buses, trams, trains, ferries, and commercial flights are allowed — but no taxis, private jets, private boats, or driving yourself. Cycling is allowed.
  • You have one week from accepting the challenge to decide on a “starting position” near home where you’ll need to press a button to claim the money. Once teleported, this button will appear at the exact spot you choose, and it’ll remain there without a time limit.
  • If you decide to back out of the challenge at any time before you know the location of your teleportation, you’ll need to return the $300,000 you received at the beginning.
  • When you teleport, you’ll receive a special passport that allows you to cross any international borders, so visas or entry restrictions won’t be an issue. The main challenges will be navigation and survival in whatever environment you land in.
  • No one from your pre-teleportation life can know about the challenge. Once you teleport, you’re entirely on your own. While you can ask locals for help or directions, you may not reveal the challenge to anyone at any time, nor can you contact anyone you knew before teleporting to help you reach home.

Would you accept this challenge?

EDIT: Roll your location here (don't forget, solid ground only)