I dont think Dorian is that strong.

It's good but it isn't that good (In standard, im sure someone will break him in wild). First off it's incredibly inconsistent. You can't pick a specific minion to get with this unless you put HEAVY deck restrictions, and even then you would have to get him and your tutor card before you draw all copies of the card you want to tutor. Secondly the card is worthless on its own. If you slam it on turn 4 it's going to die so you your only going to be playing him on turn 5,6 and maybe even 7. Thirdly he only works with minions, and because spells are so good you are only going to be triggering him on every other draw at best. Lastly the minions you do draw may not be that imactfull. Clearly there are TONS of good minions to get as 1/1's but there are just as many that don't benefit.

There are simply too many deck building restrictions out there for Dorian to reach his max potential

That said Im excited for him the come out, he looks like a lot of fun.