What percent of Haitians do you think voted for Kamala or Trump

Lately online and in churches I’ve been seeing a lot of negative messages about teachers. Mostly about LGBTQ+ lessons or acceptance in schools and in classrooms.

When teachers in the 90s and 80s were saying how Haiti was being punished because we made a “pack” with the devil. Were Haitian parents up and arms about that too?

I understand many Haitian parents are pretty ignorant about LGBTQ and no amount of education will stop that. Yet I don’t understand why gay people are their number 1 targets. I won’t lie I haven’t been in church as often. Yet even when I hear my parents listening to sermons they’re always targeting teachers and schools. Yet I’ve yet to hear anything about the rampant xenophobia republicans have towards Haitians.

I also notice many Haitians thought they were immune to Trumps policies. Whenever I bring up plans and initiates we can take to combat the things trump is doing my Haitian peers tell me we’ll see if it’ll come to fruition and pray instead.

Being in church I have gotten the feeling many young people voted for Trump or at-least didn’t vote at all due to programming from the church.

Is this something you guys have also noticed or am I just way over my head.

Also I’d like to say my parents are Baptist though I’m personally not religious. They do play a role in the people in interact with. I know not all churches are the same.