Happy Dad is awful

Canadian here. Vancouverite, to be specific. I recently started noticing that our gov't liquor stores started stocking Happy Dad. I figured, hey, why not buy a case.

Bad call. Every flavor is a weird fake version of the real thing and the aspartame/sucralose/whatever-faux-sugar is super noticeable. It has this gross cloying sweetness that reminds me oddly of cotton candy.

It tastes awful even by the standards of boozy seltzers. Not sure if it's the same everywhere, but in CA liquor stores there are like 10000 variations of these vodka/gin/tequila sodas—White Claw/Nude/Verve/Neutral, off the top of my head—and, in my experience, almost all of them taste better than this.

Not really sure what the point of this post is. Not trying to dunk on Bradley or Steiny or anyone involved with Happy Dad, just not sure why anyone would drink this except for it being an influencer product. Do others actually enjoy it?