One of my first Plants
Picture 1 : My setup I use a normal light that i got from my dad, the dirt i use is Floragard Grow mix. I spray it with water everytime 1-3cm on the Top is dry. The small pot is completely empty so no comment to that but there will be a second one soon.
Picture 2: My current Plant I first planted it in normal Flower dirt and i heard that you should pot it into another pot every 2-3 weeks so i did and potted it into Floragard Grow mix. it has been 1 or 2 weeks ca since i potted it into the grow mix and it’s growing way faster but now i feel like it needs more light because it’s growing way slower now.
Picture 3: Plant & Light
Because the light ain’t that strong i put it a bit closer to it.
Questions from me :
Should i cut the bottom leaves of my plant of ? If i wanted another light for between 2-3 plants that is not very big (so it can fit into my shelf) which one should i get ? I still go to school so nothing to expensive is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.