Pit mix bit my girl

I walk my girl off leash and leash her up when we see other dogs. Today two untrained dogs were really trying to say hi to her so I leashed her up and asked the owner if she could say hi, he said yes and she went up to sniff.

As soon as she went to sniff the second dog it latched onto her face/ear and I pulled her away immediately. I started inspecting her and he apologized and wanted to check that she was okay. I didn’t see anything right away aside from her being shaken up. He walked away and I continued to snuggle/pet her and then noticed a puncture on her ear. I gave her treats to try to calm her down and that helped.

I am so frustrated. I have spent so much time training my dog. She’s so sweet, so smart, and it makes me so upset that she’s hurt. Luckily it’s just one small bite. But she seems a little freaked out still.