What more could’ve been done with her character?
Honestly, I think Sugar Motta worked best as a bit-part with being occasionally thrown into random B and C plots every now and again. The writers really did a disservice to the actress because she had excellent comedic timing but was mostly just wallpaper throughout the majority of her stay on the series. She didn’t need some huge arc where she’s the emotional center, but could’ve worked so much better as like a Brittany-tea in season 1A. Funny one-liners, sometimes used as a plot device to move the A plot forward. The episode 3x13 is a perfect example of how she’s used evenly throughout the episode without it being laid on too thick. Majority of season four and her subsequent departure in season five is a poor example of basically using the actress as an extra when she’s insanely talented
Honestly, I think Sugar Motta worked best as a bit-part with being occasionally thrown into random B and C plots every now and again. The writers really did a disservice to the actress because she had excellent comedic timing but was mostly just wallpaper throughout the majority of her stay on the series. She didn’t need some huge arc where she’s the emotional center, but could’ve worked so much better as like a Brittany-tea in season 1A. Funny one-liners, sometimes used as a plot device to move the A plot forward. The episode 3x13 is a perfect example of how she’s used evenly throughout the episode without it being laid on too thick. Majority of season four and her subsequent departure in season five is a poor example of basically using the actress as an extra when she’s insanely talented