What country/countries do you think have the most unique terrain?
This is a tough choice for me, but I have to go with Ecuador. When I was a kid I was really into rocks, fossils, and all that cool shit, and at one point I got really into a bunch of the creatures/small critters that roamed Earth in the much distant past (millions and millions of years ago). And Ecuador has always reminded me of some kind of small bug or bottom-dwelling sea-creature, with that massive mountain range running almost straight center through the country. It’s pretty cool how different the landscapes are on each side. The northern Andes are so underrated. Colombia just north of Ecuador has some bad ass terrain as well.
This is a tough choice for me, but I have to go with Ecuador. When I was a kid I was really into rocks, fossils, and all that cool shit, and at one point I got really into a bunch of the creatures/small critters that roamed Earth in the much distant past (millions and millions of years ago). And Ecuador has always reminded me of some kind of small bug or bottom-dwelling sea-creature, with that massive mountain range running almost straight center through the country. It’s pretty cool how different the landscapes are on each side. The northern Andes are so underrated. Colombia just north of Ecuador has some bad ass terrain as well.