Will Second Wave Gen Z youth culture be dominant by 2028?

I'm going to use 2009 as an example as it's my generational equivalent using a Pew Range (which I do). I was born in 1993 and by the time I was in senior year of high school (Fall 2010), youth culture was shifting from First Wave Millennials to Second Wave Millennials with shifts in fashion, music, slang, and aesthetics all happening. By 2012 the culture had shifted into a new base form and slowly changed from there. Project X was a good example of this as it was filmed in 2010 and released in Q1 2012. Project X imo was about Late Millennial party culture (kind of like Spring Breakers in that regard) and while Millennial, was clearly distinct from the First Wave Millennial/McBling culture that had come before.

As 2009-borns are turning 16 years old this year and 18 in 2027, I would say that 2027 is when the culture will start shifting and by 2028 youth culture (18 - 25/29 years of age) will be primarily that of Second Wave Gen Z with different fashion, music, slang, and aesthetic preferences.

Do you agree or disagree and in either case, why?

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