What a Rush Story 1 part 1
The following story is completely fiction and made up. My first story so please feel free to critique and let me know spots that work/don’t work and what I could do to improve the story! Please enjoy :)
“What’re ya havin’?” The bartender asks as he sits a napkin in front of me. “Just an amaretto sour please,” I reply and then quickly turn my head back to my phone. I typically never go to bars alone but the day I had was just bad enough that the social anxiety I would’ve had simply did not exist. A few minutes pass and my drink arrives. “Thank you.” The bartender gives me a quick nod and moves on to another person. Im the only person sitting at this bar until another man walks in and sits right beside me. “What a fucking douche,” I think to myself, still staring at my phone. “All these empty seats and he sits right fucking beside me.” The bartender asks him what he’s having. “I’ll just have a beer please,” he says in a low voice that’s accompanied by a slight twang. He lets out a long, exasperated sigh. “Long day?” I ask without looking from my phone. “Yeah,” he quickly responds. “I guess you could say that.” He lets out a light chuckle and I finally look up from my phone to see who I am talking to.
Beside me is a man who is built in a way that can only be accurately described as a football lineman. Tall, burly, short dark and thick hair with a full beard. I see a bush of chest hair sprouting up from the unbuttoned top of his collard shirt. A sleek solid blue button down paired with black slacks that wrap around his tree trunk sized thighs like a boa constrictor. It takes a second before I realize I am gawking at this man with my mouth open. Almost drooling it feels. By the time I catch myself and swiftly turn my head back to my phone, he’s already noticed my staring.
He slaps his hand on my thigh and gives it a squeeze. He lets out a heartedly laugh and says “it’s alright man, I’m not gonna hate crime you or anything.” We share a laugh and he gives me a wink and half smile. “Oh man I’m gonna fall for another straight man,” I think to myself. “I… I’m Gray,” I muster finally. “Yeah I kinda figured by the staring at my crotch,” he chuckled. “No… I’m GRAY, as in my name.” “OH,” he says as his eyes widen and his face turns beat red. “I am so sorry. I really thought you said… well… uh…” I cut him off and tell him it’s okay. As amusing as it was to see him stick his foot in his mouth, this poor guy was about to break records for how many feet he could fit in there.
“I’m Cash,” he says, extending his hand. I extend back and we shake. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to assume you were gay.” “No it’s fine, really,” I reply and take a sip of my drink. “You were right so you caught a break there!” We laugh and continue to exchange pleasantries and small talk. As he speaks all I can pay attention to is his piercing blue eyes and warm smile. After a few more drinks he closes his tab. “It’s time for me to get going. My girl is probably starting to worry about me.” My heart sank.
“Yeah…” I let out with a sigh. “You shouldn’t keep the misses waiting much longer.” Cash kind of chuckled as he signed his receipt. “I’m talking about my dog actually. Her name is Roxy.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket and shows me a picture of a pitbull, with a hot pink collar that says “princess” in glitter. I make a comment about how cute she is and how I love the collar. “Yeah she’s my baby…” he says all the while smiling at the picture of Roxy. “My ex was absolutely terrified and begged me to get rid of her. I told him that was never gonna happen.” It took me a second to realize what he just said. Finally I snap back to reality and ask “him?” “Yeah, I’m bi. You didn’t get that vibe?” I stop to think about if he did anything that might’ve hinted at it but nothing came to mind. He worked in an office doing financials for some big company, he ordered a beer, talked about sports and hunting. Nothing about this guy gave me any indication he wasn’t straight. “No,” I replied. “Honestly had no clue.” He handed his phone over to me and asked me to put my number in. I obliged and he took off. “I am willing to bet money I never hear from him again,” I thought. Suddenly my phone buzzed and read
C: Hey! It’s Cash ;)
I saved the number and replied back to him
G: That was fast haha
C: Yeahhh I kinda couldn’t wait to text you.
G: Well I’m flattered. Quick question, how was I supposed to know you are bi? lol
C: Now when have you ever seen a straight man sit right beside some stranger at a completely open bar?
G: Ohhh that’s a good point! That never crossed my mind lmao
C: Well I wanted to know when you were free next? I’d like to take you out some time.
G: I’m free all week. Name a time and place and I’ll be there!
C: How about the family bathroom up stairs in 5 minutes? ;)